Dr. Dimitris T. Papadimitriou
Pediatric Endocrinologist - Pediatric Diabetologist DIU, DU, CCU,
former Lecturer at Joseph-Fourier University, Grenoble, France
Visiting Professor of Neonatal - Peditaric - Adolescent Endocrinology at the University of Thessaly Medical School, as of the academic year 2023-2024
Diabetic foot and child
Only 63% of diabetic children in the advanced western world have been informed at least once by their doctor about foot care and care, while only 40% have been examined podiatrically at least once from the time of diagnosis until adulthood. About 80% of diabetic children will have biokinetic disorders, skin diseases and foot infections, twice as many as the general pediatric population. One in three will develop paronychia with the highest incidence occurring in adolescent girls.
Neurophysiological studies have shown that 87% of "asymptomatic" children with type 1 diabetes show signs of subclinical neuropathy of the lower extremities, which are mainly related to the duration rather than the quality of diabetes management. The disorders concern both the motor and aesthetic as well as the autonomic neural network of the foot, with the most important manifestations being the "subclinical" pain and the disorders in the tolerance of temperature.
The diabetic with the longest duration of illness and the highest risk of complications tomorrow, can not be other than the child with diabetes today… Every child with diabetes should visit the clinic "diabetic foot" once a year for training and preventive examination ( Diabetes UK guidelines - 2000).
Our center collaborates with Dr. Costa, a distinguished vascular surgeon, for the examination of children who have at least 5 years of type 1 or 3 years of SD with moderate or poor regulation.
George S. Koustas MD Ph.D,
Fellow of MGH Harvard Medical School
Director of Vascular Surgery Clinic & Clinics "Diabetic Foot" of the Athens Medical Group
Perikli Stavrou 13, 11524 - Athens
Tel: 2106927331 - Fax: 2106997165e - mail: gkoustas@otenet.gr