Dr. Dimitris T. Papadimitriou
Pediatric Endocrinologist - Pediatric Diabetologist DIU, DU, CCU,
former Lecturer at Joseph-Fourier University, Grenoble, France
Visiting Professor of Neonatal - Peditaric - Adolescent Endocrinology at the University of Thessaly Medical School, as of the academic year 2023-2024
Clinic in Athens, Thessaloniki, Crete and Cyprus

Next clinics:
Thessaloniki 31/3-1/4, Crete 7-8/4
● Athens

Pediatric Endocrine Clinics
Pediatrics-Adolescence-Neonatal Endocrinology & Diabetes
58 Kifissias Ave. & Delphi, Maroussi, 15125
Appointment: 210 3638536 , 2106862172
● Thessaloniki
Our Clinic in Thessaloniki, which has been operating since 2012, from July 2018 was transferred to our physical home, the Interbalkan Medical Center of the Athens Medical Group , as the Department of Pediatrics - Adolescent Endocrinology & Diabetes of the Athens Pediatric Center now covers scientifically and the Pediatrics of the Inter-Balkan Center, http://www.iatriko.gr/el/iatriko-diavalkaniko?cl=614
The doctor's office is run by Dr. Dimitris Th. Papadimitriou once a month, Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Appointments are made by our Secretariat in Athens at tel. 700700 3636 (ENDO) , 210 3638536 and 210 6862172 , Fax: 2106106406 , info@pedoendo.gr

● Crete

Since February 2013, Pediatric Endocrine Clinics provides its services at Knossos Medical Diagnosis, 174 Knossos Ave., 71409 in Heraklion, Crete
https://www.knossosdiagnosis.gr/ , every 2 months and from January 2020 every month day Friday afternoon and Saturday morning by our Attending doctor Eleni Dermitzaki with the absolute supervision and guidance of Dr. Dimitris Th. Papadimitriou (online electronic file and instructions).
Appointments at our secretariat at tel. 700700 3636 (ENDO) , 210 3638536 and 210 6862172 Fax: 2106106406 , info@pedoendo.gr
● Cyprus

Chrysanthi Marakaki
Spyrou Kyprianou 86 Larnaka 6058, ITHOS; Medical Center (+357 24 660550)
For an appointment you can contact Mrs. Marakaki's cell phone directly (+357) 94086850, with the fixed (+357) 700073636 and the mobile phone (+357 99343095) of Pediatric Endocrine Clinics, as well as with our central secretariat in Athens (+30 7007003636, +30 2106106406).
O Pediatric Endocrine Clinics price list is uniform and valid in the Republic of Cyprus.